Holistic Integrative Therapies

Traditional Talk Therapy includes solution focused counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy and experiential techniques.

Hypnosis - used as an aid in relaxation and focusing; may help with smoking cessation and weight release.

Hypnotherapy - a powerful form of therapy for those individuals seeking a deeper level of meaning to thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Holographic Memory Resolution (HMR) - This powerful tool is used to treat trauma and any form of negative memory. Clients are taught techniques to feel safe and to "de-hypnotize" self from the trance imposed by the trauma.

Breath Work - Experts agree that shallow, chest breathing is associated with nervous disorders, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, panic attacks, muscle tension, headaches, fatigue, and psychosomatic disorders. As you begin to be aware of your breathing and practice slowing your breath using the diaphragm muscles and belly the mind quiets and the body relaxes reducing blood pressure, uplifting mood and reduces psychosomatic symptoms.

Yoga - Used as a relaxation and centering technique. Yoga means union - bringing together body and mind. Yoga promotes energy, reduces stress, aids in balancing and grounding the body and mind and helps raise self esteem. This therapy promotes energy, aids in balancing and grounding the body and mind and helps raise self esteem.
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Heart Therapies
A Holistic Approach To Healing.